Obwohl sich die AjBD als Interessenvertretung für das juristische Bibliotheks‑, Dokumentations- und Informationswesen in den deutschsprachigen Ländern sieht, steht sie, z.B. als deutschsprachige Sektion der International Association of Law Libraries (IALL), auch für internationale Vernetzung und Austausch mit Rechtsbibliotheken weltweit. Neben der IALL bietet die IFLA Law Library Section dafür ein geeignetes Forum. Sollten Sie sich an der strategischen Ausrichtung und den gesetzten Zielen der IFLA Law Library Section unmittelbar beteiligen wollen, können Sie für einen Sitz als Mitglied im Standing Committee kandidieren bzw. sich nominieren lassen. Den entsprechenden Aufruf geben wir hiermit gerne zur Kenntnis:
Hello Law Librarians,
If you are passionate about access to legal resources, sharing of information and networking with specialists in the field, think about standing for election to the IFLA Law Library Section as a Standing Committee Member!
This Section aims at bringing together representatives of different types of law libraries: court libraries, corporate law libraries, law school libraries etc. https://www.ifla.org/law-libraries
IFLA’s Section Standing Committees drive forward and carry out IFLA’s professional activities. Each committee sets out an action plan for their term of office in which they seek to accomplish activities which will assist the global library field. This could be through communication, development of guidelines or toolkits, publications or learning opportunities such as webinars. The Section Standing Committees actively seek members from across all IFLA regions so that a range of professional perspectives are contributed.
Who can stand for this position?
Anyone may stand. Candidates do not have to be an IFLA Member or Affiliate and if elected, are elected in their own right and not as the representative of their employer or nominator. Attendance at conferences is desired, whether virtual or in-person.
Please see this link for more information and the nominee consent form: https://www.ifla.org/node/93685
Nominations for Position August 2021-August 2025. DEADLINE: 13 April 2021, 12:00 CEST
If interested, please contact the Section Chair: Anne E. Burnett at aburnett@uga.edu or the Section Information Coordinator Sonia Smith at sonia.smith@mcgill.ca
Sonia Smith
IFLA Law Section
Information Coordinator